Cyberpunk 2077, an ambitious and visually stunning open-world RPG developed by CD Projekt Red, transports players to the dystopian and neon-drenched megalopolis of Night City. Set in a future where technology and chaos collide, you assume the role of V, a mercenary seeking to unlock the secret to immortality. With a rich narrative, jaw-dropping cyber-enhancements, and a city teeming with intrigue and danger, Cyberpunk 2077 immerses you in a world of moral ambiguity, high-stakes choices, and a quest for power.
Best PCs Handpicked for Cyberpunk 2077
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Frequently Asked Questions for Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk had a rocky start when it first launched in 2020. But now it's considered a work of art.
You can play Cyberpunk on PC, Xbox, & Playstation.
Yes! It adds so much extra to the base game. The content added rivals the expansions to The Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red released.
You will meet new characters, such as Song So-Mi, an NUSA hacker, and Solomon Reed, a sleeper agent played by Idris Elba. You will also encounter Johnny Silverhand again, who has a more nuanced role in this expansion. The expansion has some exciting action sequences, stylish visuals, and branching choices that can affect the outcome of the story.