SketchUp takes advantage a fast CPU, so we recommend a fast, multi-core i7 for the bulk of your work. We have found Xeons to not be very useful for SketchUp, as the extra features gained from Xeon technology are not used in this software. What’s more, Xeons are typically slower than the latest i7 chips, so going for an i7 will boast more performance at a lower overall cost.
There are many ways of rendering files directly out of SketchUp. If you are using a CPU renderer like V-Ray, we would recommend our Sonox System with i7 extreme CPUs. If you plan on using a GPU based renderer like Octane render, we would recommend our Sonox Mini Z270 with up to two GPUs, or or Sonox ORI X99 system for up to 4 GPUs.

Recommended systems:
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